Ski Gear
In the early '90s, Seiko came up with the idea of bringing out a line of sports watches. Each of them would focus to target a specific group of audience of a particular sports. The Ski Thermo showing here is one of them.
This is primarily designed for skiers with functions like multi-chrono and temperature logs. Originally it came with a very long vinyl band with magic hooks, for wearing outside the ski suit. And for easy operation with gloves on, the pushers on both sides are enlarged. For mode changing, instead of adding more buttons to the plastic resistant casing, it came with a rotating bezel. So all functions can be accessed without needing the user taking off the skiing gloves.
The highlight of this thing is the rotating bezel for mode switching. And if you take it apart you will amazed by how the bezel works to move the 4 tiny posts underneath, to trigger the 4 tiny switches in combination for the 8 specific modes on the module. Smart, really smart.
【數碼星期六】精工Ski Thermo滑雪時計 - 90年代初期,電子跳字錶的發展已相當成熟。唯獨主要功能只限於報時、計時、和嚮鬧。歐洲與日本的生產商所提供的主流產品,功能和設計,大致相若。不同的,是日本廠商當時對微細電子科技的掌握和運用,的確相對比較靈活和創新,再配合進取的市場策略,也得到之前電腦手錶未能配合市場需求的慘痛教訓,再一次開辟了電子跳字錶的新戰線。就是推出能迎合不同的市場需要的專屬功能手錶,創造市場需求。