First Solar Digital for International Market
Another Vintage Solar Digital for a Digital Saturday!
A while ago I had shown my collection of the two A156 Solar, which were launched for the Japanese market. One with a black dial, the other with a white dial. Here's another one, using the same module, but under a different design for the global market, branded under SQ (Seiko Quartz) and in the Sports 100 series.
Same as the module used on the Japanese models, this digital has a small solar panel to charge up the proprietary capacitor inside. The charging circuit still works, however, the capacitor is dead and no suitable replacement is available in the market nowadays. The watch can still be used with a regular button cell, just like most other digital watch. However, a slight mod of disabling the charging circuit is a must.
This particular piece, I picked it up as an abandoned piece, which cost me just around US$5, with a non-running but clean module. Now it is using the module from the other A156 I have, and will have the it's module either rescued or replaced.